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Branded Content

Content. We all devour it. Whether you’re tapping through TikTok or thumbing through Facebook, content is always present, and always king. And branded content is a genius marketing strategy that’s unintrusive, engaging and builds trust effortlessly. But why is branded content so important?

And most importantly, how do you get it right?

Make branded content part
of your strategy

Get People Hooked

Branded content is the bait that hooks your audience. It's interesting, entertaining, and helpful, so people willingly engage with it: making your brand memorable.

Be Real

Unlike overly-intrusive ads, branded content lets your brand's true colours shine. You can show your personality, values, and know-how to help build trust with consumers in a natural way.

Keep 'Em Coming Back

By consistently dishing out great content, you create a fan base. These loyal followers stick around, engage with your brand, and tell their friends. It's a recipe for long-term success.

Examples of our Branded Content

What’s the branded content
creative process?

Once we’ve got things in motion, we start where every good project should start: with the strategy. Without the foundations of good strategic thinking, there’s nothing for us to build on.

Now this is never a one-size fits all approach, we always tailor our strategy and as a result, the branded content, to you. This depends on a multitude of different things from channel, audience, platform. But our strategists help you figure out what is best, what to say, and where to say it.

The project is then passed over to our creative team who then work on bringing your branded content to life. Let’s dive in.
Concept Development

Conclusion: The Grand Finale

Voilà! From an idea to a brilliant bit of branded content. It’s a process full of creativity, collaboration, and a whole lot of fun. The end result? A video that not only tells a story but feels genuinely real and authentic.

How much does Branded
Content cost?

Ah, the realm of branded content! It's like a secret sauce that can seriously spice up your marketing mix. But what's the cost? Well, let me break it down for you in a way that's as engaging as a well-made piece of
branded content itself!

Video Content
Starting from a few thousand dollars.
Mid-Range: Around £20,000 to £50,000.
High-End: £50,000 and skyward.

Remember, folks, branded content isn't just an expense; it’s an investment in your brand's story and connection with your audience. Whether you're working with a video agency in London or a freelance writer in Timbuktu,
the key is to strike that perfect balance between cost, quality, and impact.
Choose wisely and watch your brand glow up! 🌟💼📈

Branded Content FAQs

Branded content is a type of marketing where brands create videos that entertain, or inform without overtly promoting their products or services. It engages audiences by delivering content that not only aligns with the brand's values but resonates with the target audience. This makes for some happy viewing!
Well, it’s simple. It’s less overt. Unlike traditional advertising, branded content videos focus on storytelling and providing value to the audience rather than directly promoting a product or service. These videos often integrate brand messages subtly and aim to build authentic connections with viewers.
Branded content videos can enhance brand awareness, create customer loyalty, and increase engagement. It’s less ‘sell-sell-sell!’ and offers a real opportunity to connect with audiences on a deeper level, showcase your brands personality, and create shareable, memorable content that stands out in a crowded digital landscape.
Effectiveness can be measured through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as view counts, engagement rates (likes, shares, comments), click-through rates, and conversion metrics.

I got lucky

Said no gold medallist ever.